Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Capt. America re-shoots and where is Tron 3?

First things first, how sweet is this picture? Footage has slowly been coming online from the Capt. America trailer, in fact a new clip came online as I was writing this post. http://www.comingsoon.net/news/movienews.php?id=75475, check it out there, its a 6 second clip of a pre-super soldier Steve Rodgers fighting off a bully with a garbage can lid. But enough geeking out, lets get to business. Last week we heard that Capt. America was going back to England to do some re-shoots, its pretty common for a movie this big to have re-shoots, its a bit of a non-story actually. But apparently not so for internet fan boys across the country, as news of re-shoots have somehow lead to speculation that this is the studios attempt to "fix" the movie that is somehow broken. Take a collective sigh of relief and try to relax. Put this in perspective, every movie in the Lord of the Rings trilogy had months of re-shoots. Again, its no big deal. I also expect we can see a full trailer within the week, its way overdue.

Second item of business for today is about Tron 3. (Slightly off-topic, but who is excited to see what Tron looks like on blu-ray?) I'm seeing over the Internets many are curious as to why there has not been an official announcement. I'm going to throw out my own speculations as to why this is, take everything with a grain of salt of course...this is the internet after all.

Tron Legeacy made $171,590,201 in the US alone, that's only slightly higher than its estimated production budget, granted it made more than that amount overseas, but add in the advertising costs and the numbers are not so hot. It only has a rating on rottentomatoes of 50%, again, not so hot. For any other studio this would have been seen as a success, but Disney works very differently than other studios out there. Remember, they dropped the Narnia franchise after Prince Caspian made $141,621,490 domestically. So I think that Tron, despite being popular with audiences was seen as a disappointment at Disney. I think their target was somewhere in the $250-$300 million mark. 

But despite this, I suspect that the process of Tron 3 has already began to roll out at Disney. It could be that they are waiting to see the sales of the DVD/Blu-ray on April 5th. Speaking of that, there is a special feature on Tron Legacy called "the next day" or something like that, its on youtube so you can watch it, its supposed to link Tron 2 and 3 together. At least that's what fans said, I didn't think so, in fact I thought it was kinda boring but you can judge for yourself. Personally I liked Tron Legacy, and would gladly welcome a sequel. I think Disney would enjoy turning this into a full blown franchise ala Pirates (lets hope they just don't milk it till its dry then force more down our throats, but its Disney after all...) With a animated show planned to premier next summer and constant rumblings of a sequel, the future for Tron looks bright.

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